Venus in Capricorn

If you have Venus in Capricorn, your soul is learning about responsible love. Capricorn is an earthy, Saturn-ruled sign whose main concern is building lasting structures. Having Venus here means you are learning about things that make relationships last. Being a responsible partner is part of that. You are also learning to be realistic in relationships. And at different times in your life you will also explore the value and place of tradition in your love life. 

Capricorn’s energy is naturally introverted, but it’s also a cardinal sign, which means there is also a drive to initiate things. Especially when one is young, this impulse to initiate comes from an unconscious matrix of expectations of how relationships are supposed to look and unfold. This is the Saturnian superego at work. Your task is to measure your own heart against this matrix and to find what parts you value and which parts you don’t and to act accordingly. 

While Capricorn isn’t necessarily a bad sign for Venus (Venus is neither in detriment or fall) there can be a fear of intimacy that comes with this placement. You might be very discerning when it comes to choosing a partner, so much so that you partner up later than your peers. But don’t get discouraged; it’s natural and normal that commitment and marriage come a little later than average.

One unlikely-sounding manifestation of Venus in Capricorn is promiscuity. Earth signs all share a penchant for sensuality. With Capricorn, this tendency runs deep, and can even tip over into debauchery for some. 

This wilder side of Capricorn is reflected in its mythological association with Satyrs. These companions of the god of wine, Bacchus (where we get the word Bacchanalia), are usually depicted as a half-man/half-goat creature, or sometimes half-ass. (The Greek god Pan is the most famous satyr.) They were known for their wild, sexual debauchery (as a Google image search will show you), and they were often employed in obscene comic plays in ancient times. 

A Satyr Brought Before Venus, Filippo Lauri (1623-1694) – Burghley House, UK

As an aside, Saturn’s connections to comedy has been noticed in modern times: some of the best-known professional comedians often have strong Saturn placements in their charts. This is fitting, I think, because good comedy often casts a cold, critical eye on the world and reveals the ridiculous in everyday life. Venus in Capricorn probably doesn’t mean that you’ll become a professional comedian, but I think it is good advice to cultivate your sense of humor, especially in the realms of love.

While many people will rightly defend the modern Bacchanalia of occasional drunken dance parties, making it a lifestyle can be antithetical to building intimate connections with people. And I’m not pushing the idea of some puritanical split between the spirit and the flesh, but something much more practical. When we are indulging our personal gratification in orgiastic, bacchanalian ways, we often leave out consideration of those around us. There is perhaps a place for the pleasure-seeking equivalent of everyone for themselves, but it’s not the place of one-to-one intimate relationships. 

A key-phrase for Capricorn planets is “I use.” And there lies the shadow side of Venus in Capricorn: using others for one’s own ends rather than as a means in themselves — whether that means using someone for anonymous sex or bringing home that “perfect” new boyfriend from college that you know your parents will love but whom you actually find dull and boorish. 

The right kind of partner for your Capricorn Venus must, well, have their shit together. I read a line from an astrology cookbook a zillion years ago that accurately captured something of Capricorn Venus: “Don’t touch me in public, but don’t take your hands off me in private.” The partner of a Capricorn Venus person should be able to navigate these extremes with the necessary grace, humor and understanding. 

Trust within relationships comes hard to Capricorn Venus, as it can make you a bit cynical about the world and about people in general. But the flipside of cynicism is the wisdom that comes from experience. And this wisdom requires experience and maturity. In some astrological traditions, the maturation age of Saturn is 36 years, and this can be a pivotal age for your relationship life. 

A beautiful thing about Venus in Capricorn people is how incredibly soft and childlike they become when they are in a relationship with someone they can trust. When you don’t need to doubt the commitment or intentions of your partner, you can show the deep nurturing tendencies that are at the heart of your nature. It may take time, but when you finally come into your own, the wisdom of nature itself can shine from your heart. 

Published by Chad

I am a Taiwan-based astrologer and educator.

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